Shri Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu
Hon’ble Chief Minister
Himachal Pradesh

Shri Rohit Thakur
Hon’ble Education Minister
Himachal Pradesh

Shri Rakesh Kanwar
Secretary (Education)
Himachal Pradesh

Dr. Amarjeet K Sharma
Director of Higher Education
Himachal Pradesh

Sh. Bhag Singh
Deputy Director of Higher Education Chamba
Himachal Pradesh
- Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of RTI Act,2005
- Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of RTI Act,2005
- Proposal for enhanced Collaboration: Leveraging the Postal Network for DBT Disbursement through POSB and India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)
- Regarding seeding of Bank Accounts with Aadhaar Number for PRE MATRIC SC Scholarship scheme (Component-I) for session 2022-23 in respect of District Chamba
- Decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in civil Appeal No. 9828 of 2013
- Regarding Judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on implementation of Suo-moto disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act,2005
- Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of RTI Act,2005
- Regarding transfer of RTI Application under Section 6(3) of RTI Act,2005
- Proposal for enhanced Collaboration: Leveraging the Postal Network for DBT Disbursement through POSB and India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)
- Regarding seeding of Bank Accounts with Aadhaar Number for PRE MATRIC SC Scholarship scheme (Component-I) for session 2022-23 in respect of District Chamba
- Decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in civil Appeal No. 9828 of 2013
- Regarding Judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on implementation of Suo-moto disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act,2005
Deputy Director Message
It is matter of proud privilege for me to welcome you to our new website which is meant to enhance our interface with Employees of Department, students, parents and public. It is my belief that our department will receive your full support to serve you better.
The website will definitely provide platform to all the concerned to share their views about the working of this office. We shall try to keep this site updated, giving latest information, notifications and other informations.
DDHE Chamba
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