Regarding to create comprehensive National Database of Unrecognized Workers.
Preparation for National Achievement Survey in Himachal Pradesh.
Regarding launch of Drug awareness campaign.
All the Principals/Headmasters of GSSS/GHS in Distt. Chamba are directed to fill the detail of meritorious students who are going to take part in the coaching classes for the preparation JEE MAIN/NEET exams which is to be inducted by the BYJUs Akash upto 30th October 2021 as per columns of google spread sheet link given below:-
daily basis googlesheet पर 12:00 बजे तक प्रेषित करना सुनिश्चित करे ताकि Attendance report निदेशालय शिमला को प्रेषित की जा सके
Regarding regularization of clerk appointed on daily wged bais-information thereof.
Regarding seniority/regularization of clerk/JOA/ITappointed on contract basis.
Regarding regularization of Peon appointed on Daily Wage Basis
(Compassionate Ground) information thereof..